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Monday, September 7, 2009

Schedule 3-SIMA

In Semester 3 UIB have New Study that is Chinese Languange...
For 3SIMA schedule is:
Senin     Interaction's Human And Computer      3sks 5.15 - 7.45 B202
Senin     Chinese Languange I      2sks 8.35 - 10.15 B202

Selasa    Information System Of Accountancy      3sks 5.15 - 7.45 B202
Selasa    Computer's Networking      3sks 7.45 - 10.15 B202

Rabu      Information System Analysis And Planning      4sks 5.15 - 8.35 B202
Rabu      Lab Information System Of Accountancy      8.35 - 10.15 A207

Kamis     Leadership And Businessman      2sks 6.05 - 7.45 B202
Kamis     Lab Computer's Networking      7.45 - 9.25 A207

Jumat     Mathematics 2 2sks     5.15 - 6.55 B202
Jumat     System's Basisdata     3sks 7.45 - 10.15 B202

For Indonesia Schedule Please Click Readmore below
Senin     Interaksi Manusia & Komputer     3sks 5.15 - 7.45 B202
Senin     Bahasa Mandarin I     2sks 8.35 - 10.15 B202

Selasa    Sistem Informasi Akuntansi     3sks 5.15 - 7.45 B202
Selasa    Jaringan Komputer     3sks 7.45 - 10.15 B202

Rabu      Analisis & Perancangan SI     4sks 5.15 - 8.35 B202
Rabu      Lab Sistem Informasi Akuntansi     8.35 - 10.15 A207

Kamis     Kepemimpinan & Kewirausahaan     2sks 6.05 - 7.45 B202
Kamis     Lab Jaringan Komputer     7.45 - 9.25 A207

Jumat     Matematika 2 2sks     5.15 - 6.55 B202
Jumat     Sistem Basisdata     3sks 7.45 - 10.15 B202



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