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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Univesitas Internasional Batam


Universitas Internasional Batam inaugurated its International Linguistic Center last June 20, 2003. The idea of establishing a linguistic centre within the university was prompted by the growing need to be competitive globally. English, whether we realize it or not, has become the language of the world. It is the medium that links more than 200 countries around the globe. Thus, having a command of the English language makes us at par with global demands for effective communication and interaction in media, business, education, technology, and other fields.

It is the goal and desire of the UIB International Linguistic Centre to provide quality and professional English courses and other language courses using the best materials and facilities available. The Centre promises to make the learning process meaningful and effective in the context of authentic communication. Participants will be challenged to think, interact, and apply what they learn in class, focusing on using the language in every day life.

Our current and past clients are Perkin Elmer, Citra Welgrow, Citra Pembina Pengangkutan Industries, Kabil Indonusa Estate, Semblog Citranusa, Citra Agramasinti Nusantara and Nanindah Mutiara Shipyard.

To be the best Language Center that provides quality and up-to-date language teaching and language training, beginning in Batam and beyond.

As a Language Center comprising of a group of qualified and highly motivated individuals, we commit ourselves to fulfill our vision to reach out and provide quality services to companies and individuals in Batam and in Indonesia through effective language classes, systematic language training, and well-planned personnel and curriculum development.



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